The café I was at today on Polk street has a sign at thigh height behind the counter that reads: “Friends don’t let Friends go to Starbucks.” This café is situated across from a Starbucks and attracts some interesting characters. I was sitting next to one as I downed a double latte.
I glanced towards the table adjacent to mine and the man over there was shaking out little krispies from his box of Rice Twice. It was a large box, not one of those single-serving ones, and it advertised itself as being Fat-Free and Gluten-Free.
He shook the contents aiming for his hand, but more often than not, the krispies ended up on the floor. He then shook his hand, aiming for his mouth, but more often than not, the krispies ended up on the floor. There was no milk, there was no bowl, there was just a box and a man with a bad plan.
The only thing distinguishing him from other fifty-something-year-olds and the only thing that attracted my attention to him was his Rice Twice.
In this Fat-Free, Gluten-Free, Starbucks-filled world we live in, even indulging oneself by eating cereal becomes an idiosyncrasy and can change one’s status from man at café to intriguing man at café.
I originally posted this article 3 days ago and it was on for a day and a half but then I deleted it because I wasn't so sure about it. Boaz read it before I erased it and actually liked it...so Boaz, this one's for you.
Cool, thanks! I like it even better the second read-through. But I’m seriously out of touch with the cereal world- I think I’d have remembered the catchy name “Rice Twice” if I’d heard it before
mmmmmm...Rice Twice...yummy. i love being anonymous woohahaha!
you people are driving me insane! when I find out who you are, I'm going to give you a good ass-kickin'.
Nice image, can't decide if Ilike the image of the man being lonely or just busy and not thinking out his eating habits.
Losely related to your topic. Mostly in that it relates to a starbucks, and is funny. I don't see a real way to include an actual hyperlink, but here you are:
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