The Geriatric Society of America gathered at the Fillmore last night to see one of their heroes from back in the day perform live once again. As crypt-keeper Ian McCulloch, the lead singer of the band Echo and the Bunnymen smoked cig after cig, shimmied his hips and balanced a bird’s nest hairstyle atop his head, I realized why the ancients were crazy for him: He’s just cool…that voice, those moves, those sunglasses.
I happened to be standing next to his #1 Fan of All Time, a 45-year-oldish, long blond-haired, meaty maniac who put on a performance of her own. She was pumping her little fists and swinging her hair all around, providing me with a breeze. That was okay. What wasn’t okay was when she started to shove her huge breastesses into my back because she was in such a euphoric state.
#1 Fan, I love that you love the band, but please don’t aim your lovin’ in my direction. Being knocked around by your knockers was not even mildly therapeutically pleasant for me.
When you shout to the heavens, “Punk Rock Man!!!” that’s okay too, just not in my freakin’ ear, woman. When sweat starts to glisten on your broad forehead because you’re jumping around like a jack rabbit, it doesn’t bother me, until that sweat ends up on my arm. Then it starts to bother me. I would have clobbered you right out of the venue but I restrained myself because I figured you needed the exercise.
While #1 Fan rocked on, Echo and the Bunnymen played an amazing set, with favorites like “The Killing Moon” and “Lips Like Sugar,” some songs from their new CD, Siberia, and partial covers of “Walk on the Wild Side” and “In the Midnight Hour.”
Ian, keep smoking your cigs dear, you have one helluva voice and lung cancer and laryngitis are small prices to pay to gratify your followers with a stellar performance.
I've been recruited to submit articles for Mesh Magazine's SF Music Calendar.
Now I'm...syndicated. Woo Hoo!
i recruited you. you're good. want a bagel?
fo sho. thanks Ian!
Aubrey, I hope you age gracefully and have something nice to say when you're 40-ish. I realize that at 24 you think you're gonna live forever and with those looks, you're God's gift, but, honestly, your review (of a great band) was so mean-spirited I thought you must be a woman Ian once scorned.
To Anonymous,
Your comment about Aubrey's Echo article was spiteful and childish. And one can only derive from your comments that you are the one that is mean-spirited for unknown reasons. You clearly don't understand the article since you lack a sense of humor. Did you not read that she was praising the band, since they do rock, and was only creatively expressing her opinions of an admirably enthusiastic but annoying woman to give context and added description to a wonderful show. I know since I went.
I also found the review spiteful and mean-spirited. In fact it wasn't really a review it was a bitch-fest about some fan. Why didn't you just move away from her?
Honestly, you people! Get half a bloody education and you've got to wear it on your sleeve. Well, your grammar still SUCKS (to use a word you intelligence-allergics tend to favour)
If you used plain English instead of some blown-up fifth grade balderdash to impress your English teacher then perhaps the previous critic of your creative expression of your opinion would have understood what you meant. Grow up!
Some people should only watch gigs at home. Like the chick that wrote this review
I would like to read the 'admirably enthusiastic but annoying woman' about Aubrey, that might rock!
I went too, and as at every rock concert, I expected and encountered dancing fans. I'm surprised that you politically correct youth don't know that ageism is as uncool as sexism and racism. Does Aubrey think race jokes are humorous, too?
The entire review was about the dancing fan that the author found so objectionable (she should have just written "eew") and deigned to mention 2 songs that were hits in the US, when the band has just released an album that is by most accounts very good.
I stand by my remarks: as a review about music, it was childish, self-indulgent ("ooh, how clever I am") and condescending.
To the Complainer,
Heh heh, you used the word "SUCKS" and "grow up" in the same paragraph. Heh, heh. Yeah, some might say that I act like a 5th grader, some say that I look like a 5th grader. In fact, I might be a 5th grader or at least want to be...great times. Regardless, who the hell are you? This is Aubrey's blog, the site you are on right now. Get off, cuz you weird.
I did not write this article with the intention of it being a music review. It was later used as a "review" on another site but I am not claiming to be a music expert or anything...obviously.
In case you haven't noticed, my blog is not dedicated solely to music, it's dedicated to making my friends' days go by a little faster by providing some reading material. Some of it is offensive, some of it is not.
I highly suggest you stop visiting my blog if my words adversely affect you so much. There are a billion other bloggers out there. I'm sure at least one of them would love it if you became their #1 Fan.
hey! who did i scorn?
Maybe they mean Ian McCulloch?
heh! i scorn a lot of women, apparently.
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