Saturday, December 09, 2006

Holiday Depression

Yesterday my boss gave me a 1000 Won Korean bill he found while rummaging through his stash of junk. It was the first time I’d ever seen Korean money. It’s worth about one dollar and five cents. He also brought in this newspaper article he clipped out years ago. It’s depressing, but kind of funny:

Street Talk by Bob Burnside

How do you deal with Holiday depression?

Timothy McLeroy (shines shoes on Castro Street)

I get drunk. If I’m broke, I get depressed all the time anyway. But if you drink too much then nobody cares about you. My family doesn’t care. I try to be independent. Now I shine shoes but I used to play the piano on the street until someone stole it. I don’t drink so much when I’m playing. If anyone has a spinette that they don’t want, you can contact me through this newspaper.

Glenna Hill (on Castro Street)

I make certain that I have time to be by myself to do what I want to do and not what everyone else wants me to do. We are given our families with no choice in the matter. Sometimes they are people that we would not choose as friends and it’s difficult to spend time with them. I think that there is a lot of guilt around that. I also try to take some exercise and might do some meditation – maybe a good long walk on the beach.


My Top Ten said...

I write articles about female friends.


Holiday depression?

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