Thursday, November 02, 2006

Cheap Ass Halloween Costumes

The past three Halloween’s in San Francisco have made me realize how incredibly cheap I am. Pumpkin pies aren’t the only things that I know how to get for a buck.

Wonder Woman in 2004: Bought the gold headbands and earrings for a dollar at Goodwill. I cut and pasted a red paper star onto the headband. Those are my ghetto bootie bedroom shorts. I should not have been wearing ghetto bootie bedroom shorts in public. I definitely should not have been dancing around (or running through the bathrooms and rescuing people in the hallways) in them at a posh club.

Mary Had a Little Lamb in 2005: Found the apron at Goodwill for a dollar. Had the shirt and skirt. Hijacked my roommate’s lamb that her ex-boyfriend gave her and made him my bitch for the night. Minhlan and I were an hour late for our own house party because we had to check out a potentially better party in the east bay earlier and then one in SOMA later. Found out the lamb likes beer.

Where’s Waldo in 2006: Didn’t even bother to go to Goodwill. Ransacked the household emergency costume stash and threw on the outfit that’s been worn by a different person for the last ten Halloweens in a row. I passed the fluffy hat up in favor of a ski headband. I’m obviously getting old because I don’t even care if I look sexy for Halloween. Well, at least I had on a short skirt. And that’s not a double loser sign on top of my head, that’s a Where’s Waldo sign!


My Top Ten said...

Did you sensor out my previous comment?

And why were you running non-stop in 2004?

Aubrey Andel said...

No, I didn't sensor anything. You probably didn't spell the verification word correctly.

I was running non-stop in 2004 because there were a lot of people that needed to be saved that year. And I'm still running. A superhero's job is never done.

Cash said...

yes on haloween circa 2003, i wore minh-ha's waldo costume. i've never received such angry disapproval of any outfit i've ever worn---and i used to be a goth kid.

Lola said...

aubrey get with the program and crop me out of that picture! so rude!